Sunday, April 15, 2007

Management of Stress

Stress is the body’s reaction to the things that one experiences. It is an outcome of interactions done with external factors, so if you feel stress from time to time -you’re normal. Every now and then, a person is bound to experience stress from family, work, social situations, finances, or illness. It may be a “short-term” stress resulting from every day situations such as being stuck in traffic or being confronted by the boss at work. However, it could also be “long-term stress’, chronic, and the type that appears due to unhappy marriage or minding an ill family member for lengthy periods.

Sometimes, stress can be motivating, like in cases when it helps an individual meet a deadline or win a competition. But it can also be an uncomfortable and negative feeling linked with racing heart, feeling out of control, and sweaty palms. Various things can be “stress triggers”, but how one responds to the situation will determine its effects. The proper management of stress is the key to diminishing, preventing, and even eliminating stress.

A lot of people who have learned to practice effective management of stress have learned to successfully cope with stressful circumstances and never seem to get stressed. Here are some simple steps for helpful management of stress:

Create a listEffective management of stress means being aware of the things that cause one’s stress; think what triggers the most stress, list them down with its stress levels and how it affects you.

Take controlMake a decision on the things in the list that can be resolved. Keep in mind that not everything in the list is within your control, but even if these events are uncontrollable, one can control the way that they respond to it. The slightest changes, such as not getting “worked up” in rush hour traffics but instead listening to music or favorite radio show, make a significant difference in helping one feel in control of their life.

Unloading and learning to say noThere are just some things at work or at home that one don’t want or can’t do, and the best thing to do is let them go rather than letting it stress you out –if possible, cross them out of the list. Do not commit to new tasks simply because of the feeling of “I have to”-learn to say “no”.

Learning and practicing management of stress in one’s life can help one to live a happier and healthier life; enjoy the job, friends, and family, and focus their energies on things that really count in life.

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