Sunday, March 11, 2007

Brain Enhancement Techniques for a Better You

Some people are born geniuses; fortunate enough to have the capacity create great ideas and contribute in this world during their lifetime. You have that same potential. You don’t need be an Einstein or a Mozart to realize your potential. You just have to be able to maximize your intellectual potential.

There is a skill called brain enhancement. Enhancing your brainpower will definitely allow you to do more things and make you more efficient.

What Can Brain Enhancement Do to You?

For one thing, solving problems will be easier. You also learn and discover things faster than you ordinarily do. It also improves the way you regard yourself and the way you relate to others.

Definitely, enhancing the powers of your brain is one thing to aim for.

How to Enhance Your Brain
There are many ways how you can improve your brain skills. Here are some of the things that will give you the desired results in your mental prowess effectively.

1. Treat Your Body with Care
The brain functions best in a healthy body. It is important that you take care of your body above all. Keep in mind that your mind’s energy depends on your body. Factors like bad diet, stress and lack of sleep will not only make your body weak. It will also affect the way your brain functions.

The first thing to do is to give your body the proper disposition to enable it to do the mental exercises.

Get enough sleep, eat the right kinds of food and stay away from stressful situations.

2. Stimulate Your Mind Regularly
You may have certain topics of interest. Use these to stimulate your mind. It will help to have visual image of your ideas to keep your interest level up.

3. Learn More About the Things You Believe In
Sometimes, believing in yourself that you are smart will really make you feel smart. You can do this through affirmations.

However, it is best to take positive action to learn more about your interests. Instead of simply telling yourself that you are creative, try doing more things that are more creative.

4. Write about Things
Writing is an effective way for you to learn and remember things. It has a certain effect that allows your brain to clarify the ideas that you have just come across.

Diaries, journal entries, poetry and even simple taking down of notes will definitely give your brain functions a good boost. These can also make you more creative and analytical.

5. Listen to Good Music
Studies show that listening to the right type of music will make your brain more receptive to information and process better. Good choices would be listening to baroque music or compositions by Mozart.

6. Do Aromatherapy
Many people claim that aromatherapy can also work well in relaxing your mind and making it more receptive to ideas and facts. Rosemary herb is particularly helpful to the brain. Studies show that this herb can help perk up your brain function.


You need to develop the right attitude when doing all these steps. Enhancing your brainpower will take effort but it’s worth it. You definitely want to maximize your full potential and reap the rewards.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Kick Shyness Goodbye! Without Drugs and Alcohol!

I used to be an introvert.

I never spoke to people around me.

It is not that I am the quiet and contemplative type, I simply froze with fear when I am around people. I feel uncomfortable and shy when I need to talk to people. It kept me from meeting a lot of people who might have possibly become my good friends.

A big change happened in my life! These days I never had a problem talking to people and even total strangers. Nowadays, my friends actually describe me as a "showman" whenever I entertain a crowd.

Well, they have other names for me but those terms are not polite, so I will not repeat them here! One thing is for sure, shyness is something that anyone can overcome. The toughest barriers are the ones we set up around ourselves.

So, here are 5 little things you can do to kick your shyness problem. I hope they work for you as they did for me:

1) Realize that speech patterns matter!
To get rid of shyness, you need to kick your speech patterns that sound hesitant, specifically the stuttering and stammering, 5-second pauses similar to dead air, and stuff like that. These speech patterns make you sound unsure of yourself. These cause people to react accordingly and spin off a series of negative reactions from you. This may cause you to withdraw from other people. It is a self-defeating cycle.

Learn the fine and beautiful art of fast talk. If you have something to say, then just say it directly and quickly. Modulate your voice so it will not shake or sound weak.

If you need time to actually think things through, TELL the other person to give you a moment to collect your thoughts. Do not just suddenly go quiet as you think about it. By getting into the habit of speaking fluidly and steadily (regardless if you actually FEEL that way), you will start to learn to interact with people better.

2) Use games and role playing to practice
There are tons of role playing games out there. I know this may sound like a strange way to kick out shyness, but games like Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun, and the White Wolf series actually are excellent role playing games.

These allow you to practice your communication skills with the other players. Since it is just a game, any social faux pas that you drop like a bomb will be taken in stride. You can refine your manner of social interaction without fear of making any blunders in the "real" world.

3) Engage in public speaking and friendly debates
Now THIS is for the brave!

Once you get your speech patterns down and can hold a conversation with confidence, this next step allows you to practice speaking in front of a large crowd of people. (shudder!)

More often than not, shy people are actually intelligent introverts. USE that intelligence that you've got in friendly debates! There's nothing more fun than using logic, wit, and barbed sarcasm to fence words with someone of equal skill while a crowd watches and applauds your efforts.

4) Be active in theater and the arts
Taking up theater, or any performance art for that matter like dance or gymnastics, is a great way to work off shyness. In the time span that you are on stage, you are no longer yourself, but you are your character instead.

The classes taught in theater will include drills for self-expression and these will help you overcome stage fright.

5) Love yourself!
Learn to love yourself! Like me before, you are probably the introspective type because you feel that in some way, you are not "good enough" for other people, that you "don't know how" to talk to other people, or you are "not worth it".

You ARE worth it! You just have to realize this.

Everyone is unique. While not everyone is born wise, rich, and good-looking, who CARES? The world is full of imperfect people, and if you look at it that way, then why hold yourself back from mingling with them?

You may just have what it takes to go out there and make other people’s lives a little better, their hearts a little warmer just by being yourself. For sure, they will give the same gift to you, because you are definitely worth it!